Key Components of an Effective Lockout Tagout Training Program

Safety experts estimate that adherence to lockout tagout procedures prevents around 120 deaths and 50,000 injuries annually. That’s why it’s prudent for your company to invest in the right training. You may, however, wonder what it takes to create the right program. You fear making an incomprehensive program that does not address all hazards. So, what can you do to overcome this obstacle? Here are the key components of an effective lockout tagout training program.
Understanding Lockout Tagout Regulations and Standards
Most employees are unaware of the regulations that govern lockout tagout procedures. So, the foundations of an effective training program should be based on these procedures. It should incorporate guidelines from established safety organizations like OSHA.
You can enhance understanding of the regulations and standards by using real-word incidents. Educate workers on how ignoring these standards can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. Creating awareness of the dangers can motivate employees to be more careful adhering to all lockout tagout safety standards.
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Identifying Hazardous Energy Sources
An effective lockout tagout training program has a component focusing on sources of hazardous energy. These include electrical, mechanical, chemical or stored energy. Employees should learn how to identify these energy sources in the equipment they work with.
Utilize visual aids during the training sessions to cover this component. The idea is to enhance understanding of hazardous energy sources.
Step-by-Step Lockout and Tagout Procedures
One of the biggest mistakes companies make when undertaking lockout tagout training is failing to list out the steps. They provide employees with things to do without giving them the correct order to do them. Avoid this error by establishing a step-by-step lockout tagout procedure.
Emphasize the importance of the correct order by showcasing how it enhances safety. If possible, carry out drills on these procedures to improve understanding.
Proper Use of Lockout and Tagout Devices
The other key component of the lockout tagout training program is guidance on the proper use of devices. Ensure that devices with hazardous energy sources are easily recognizable. Invest in strong locks with unique keys to prevent mix-ups with other common keys. Guide the employees on creating durable tags with clear displays.
During the training, ensure that the employees understand that locks and tags must not be removed by anyone. Make sure they know that only authorized individuals can move or change the locks and tags.
Training on Group Lockout Procedures
Most likely there are multiple employees in your company using a single piece of equipment. So, your lockout tagout training program should take this into account. It should teach employees on how to apply group lockout tagout procedures.
You want to avoid situations where some employees do things that undermine the safety efforts of others.
You can simplify creating an effective lockout tagout training program by finding experts to help you. The goal is to get more tips on the key components to include. You’ll also discover when you should consider updating the training program.