
How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy?

When it comes to our health, most of us don’t focus on maintaining good health. This negligence towards health is not beneficial in any way. However, there are still some individuals who do not have the intention to harm their health, but their hectic schedules do not allow them to prioritize their health. When you don’t prioritize your health, you may experience any kind of medical condition, such as a kidney disorder. People usually ignore taking care of their kidneys, but getting a kidney function test is really important if you’re experiencing any symptoms that indicate that you have kidney disease or improper kidney function.

As we all know, kidneys, the bean-shaped organs in our body, are responsible for filtering the waste from our blood. They also play a vital role in regulating blood pressure and the production of urine, which carries out the waste products of our body. A kidney test gives complete insights into your kidney health, and having complete knowledge about kidney health can be very beneficial in identifying major issues and assist you in taking precautionary measures and timely treatment.

What is a Kidney Function Test at Home?

With the advancement in technology and modernization of healthcare services, home healthcare providers have emerged as a blessing for a lot of individuals. Nowadays, home healthcare services have become popular among people who find it hard to visit a clinic by their selves.

There are several reasons why people avoid visiting a clinic or hospital, and in this traditional approach, individuals have to book an appointment earlier, travel long routes, and wait in long queues at the medical facility. This is not a convenient way of getting healthcare, but with home healthcare services, individuals can now receive top-quality care in the comfort of their homes.

Whether it’s a cortisol test, a kidney function test, or treatments for other medical conditions, taking healthcare at home is the best choice for busy people. When you book an appointment to get your kidneys tested at home, the medical experts visit your home to collect your sample with a specialized method and modern equipment without any hassle, ensuring your health, safety, and comfort.

The Role of the Kidneys in the Body

Every organ in our body holds its own significance, and the same goes for kidneys. Many of our bodily functions rely on our kidneys. Let’s have a look at the role of kidneys in the body:

1. Filtering Waste

Have you seen a water filter? Its function is to filter the waste from water and provide us with clean water. Our kidneys have a similar function; they act as a filter for cleaning our blood. When the blood circulates from the kidneys, all the waste and excess fluids are filtered and collected in the form of urine, which is then cleared out from the body when we urinate.

2. Maintaining Blood Pressure

Generally, the heart is the most critical organ in the body, and it is responsible for regulating blood pressure. However, this is just not the case, as there are some other organs that also play their part in maintaining blood pressure, one of them being the kidneys. But how? Kidneys adjust the fluid and electrolyte balance in the blood, ultimately regulating your blood pressure.

3. Producing Urine

Kidneys are more than a filter that not only cleans your blood but also eliminates the toxins from the body. When we urinate, the fluid that is peed out of the body is called urine, which is a combination of excess fluids and toxins, such as urea, that are not only filtered but formed as urine by the kidneys. It makes it easy to eliminate all the toxins at once.

4. Red Blood Cell Production

You might be wondering how kidneys produce red blood cells, but that’s not the case. Kidneys do not produce red blood cells but contribute to the production of red blood cells. As we know, kidneys filter the blood, so when the blood is filtered properly, the production of red blood cells automatically increases, which results in good health of the blood and the overall body.

Read also: Managing Thyroid Health with Lifestyle Changes

5 Tips to Maintain Good Kidney Health

Now you know the most details about kidneys and how they benefit your body, let’s move on to some tips that will help you maintain healthy kidneys.

1. Stay Hydrated

Water is harmless, and that’s one of the reasons doctors advise drinking plenty of water daily. An average individual must take at least 2 liters of water, which greatly helps in keeping your kidney functioning better. The more you drink water, the more the fluids increase, the more the kidneys filter the fluids, and the more the toxins are released from the body.

2. Watch Your Diet

Diet is always an essential element when it comes to health. Many people don’t really care about their diet, resulting in having symptoms of major diseases. However, a healthy diet can prevent several diseases that may occur due to a bad diet. Doctors recommend the consumption of diets that have saturated fats and are low in sodium as they are advantageous for your kidney health.

3. Manage Blood Pressure and Diabetes

One of the most important things to consider while maintaining healthy kidneys is blood pressure and diabetes. People with medical conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes are prone to kidney disease if their medical condition is uncontrolled. It is essential to keep checking your blood pressure and monitor your blood sugar levels to avoid any complications or kidney damage.

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption is not itself a good thing to do, and in the case of kidneys, it is even more dangerous. Alcohol has been observed to severely affect kidney function in many ways. It directly affects the filtering function of kidneys, which causes the toxins to not be filtered properly from the blood and remain in the body. Also, the drying effect of alcohol harms the function of kidney cells and other organs.

5. Get Regular Checkups

The best solution to maintain healthy kidneys is to get them tested. Many people won’t specifically get their kidneys tested, yet they should. However, if they don’t, it is recommended that they get regular health checkups. When you undergo a regular health checkup, it involves comprehensive tracking and testing of your body, including the kidney function test Dubai, which evaluates the kidney health in detail and helps you take early measures and care.

The Final Words

In summary, persevering in your kidney health is the best gift you can give yourself, and it can be the first step towards a healthy lifestyle as it is crucial for your overall well-being. If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, then it is vital to implement the above tips in your daily life and know what’s good for your kidneys and what’s not. It will help reduce the risk factors that can cause kidney disease and help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

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